New Fusgolpala 2025 Concept: The Impossible Fusion

Have you ever imagined driving a beetle, with the look of a Goal, but with the power of a Opal?

It may sound crazy, but that's the proposal of New Fusgolpala 2025 Concept

a unique car that mixes three of the most beloved icons of the Brazilian automobile industry.

With an irreverent approach and a nostalgic touch, this project has everything to captivate enthusiasts and curious people looking for something completely out of the ordinary.

You must be wondering how a simple beetle turned into this automotive monster.

The answer lies in the ingenious combination of pieces and the meticulous work of the designers.

The basis of the project is a Beetle 1995, which received heavy modifications to accommodate the front engine of the Opal.

The most impressive detail is the adaptation of the front of the Goal, which was inserted to create enough space for the engine, as well as giving the car a more modern and aggressive appearance.

The changes to the bodywork are clear: the rear of the beetle has been kept virtually intact, preserving the iconic style that everyone knows and loves.