Corcel GT 1973: Meet Lightning Marquinhos, McQueen's Brazilian Lookalike


Do you recognize the little guy in the picture? He looks very similar to the well-known character from the big screen, Lightning McQueen, protagonist of the film series Cars from Disney, right? Well, this is not an animated car, but a very famous real-life lookalike, affectionately nicknamed Lightning Marquinhos. This is the name given by friends to the 1973 Ford Corcel GT of maintenance technician Marcos Rommel, from Goiânia (GO), who transformed his vehicle into a tribute to the character with the vibrant look of the famous racing car.

Lightning McQueen's look has become iconic on screen and has won the hearts of generations. In real life, “Lightning McQueen” also attracts attention wherever he goes, gaining prominence on social media and even being photographed by the page Carbureted Culture on Instagram, which lovingly captured images of the stylized Corcel GT.

The Story of Marcos Rommel with the Ford Corcel

Marcos' relationship with the Ford Corcel did not begin with Relâmpago Marquinhos; it goes back a long way. According to him, his love for the Corcel is a family tradition, influenced by his grandfather, uncle and especially his father. In 1976, his father bought one Corcel Luxo zero-kilometer, which soon became the family's main vehicle.

“Since then, everything we did, from trips to going to and from school, was with that Corcel,” Marcos recalls. That was how the Corcel left a profound mark on his childhood and that of his brothers. Inspired by this fond memory, in 2012 Marcos fulfilled his dream of having his own Corcel and decided to purchase a 1973 GT model. At the time, he paid R$ 7.000, a price that today would be considered a bargain in the classic car market.

The Restoration of the Corcel GT: From Yellow to Sporty Red

The Corcel GT acquired by Marcos was in reasonable condition, but he soon decided to restore it and transform its original yellow color into the famous sporty red of the GT version. During the restoration, he kept the car as close as possible to the original 1973 model, which was the first year to receive a design update in Brazil. Under the hood, the 1.4-liter engine 85 horsepower It is 11.6 kgfm of torque It was in good condition and was preserved, maintaining the tradition of the four-speed manual transmission of the time.

The Corcel quickly became the family's favorite and, unlike Lightning McQueen, who on screen was always causing trouble on the streets, Marcos' Corcel GT soon became his daily vehicle. However, driving a classic car has its risks, and an unpleasant incident occurred in 2012: a drunk driver crashed into the Corcel GT while it was parked in front of a gym. The crash seriously damaged the left rear side, even hitting the driver's door and the vehicle's suspension. This accident, however, did not discourage Marcos, who decided to take on the challenge of restoring his Corcel again.

The Birth of Lightning Marquinhos: A New Personality for the Corcel GT

This time, Marcos decided to give the car a special touch, taking advantage of the restoration to transform his Corcel GT into a version inspired by the Lightning McQueen. The idea of customizing the car also came to please his children, big fans of the character.

The new transformation took two years and included a complete renovation job on the bodywork and in painting, which kept the red color, but added stickers inspired by Lightning McQueen's look. For this, Marcos ordered a special plotting, with images that resembled the Disney character.

In addition to the stickers, the final look included a crucial detail: the wheels. Marcos replaced the original wheels with a model inspired by Nascar, which adorn McQueen on the big screen. This detail added an extra touch of authenticity to the Brazilian lookalike. In total, the customization and new details amounted to an investment of around R$ 20,000.

Street Recognition and Owner Pride

For Marcos, the investment was worth it. “Relâmpago Marquinhos” does not go unnoticed and attracts the attention of those who see it on the streets of Goiânia. “Sometimes, I take it to work and watch people look at it, pose for photos and comment,” says Marcos. The transformation, in addition to pleasing his children, made the Corcel stand out as a true work of art on wheels.

In addition to the Relâmpago Marquinhos, Marcos has other classic cars in his collection, including a Dodge Dart 1979, one Chevrolet Opala 1988 and two more Corcels, one of which is the famous Corcel Luxo 1976, bought brand new by his father.

A Lightning McQueen Look-Alike

Just like Lightning McQueen, who dreamed of winning the Piston Cup and proving himself on the track, Lightning McQueen carries a story of passion and family tradition. For Marcos and his children, this tribute to the character is not just a car, but an extension of a memory and a passion passed down from generation to generation.

If Lightning Marquinhos could “talk” like the original character, he would certainly have many stories to tell about the adventures and obstacles he faced. Whether on the streets of Goiânia or in the memories of the Rommel family, the characterized Corcel GT follows its path with the spirit of a true star.


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